Columban Fr. Frank Hoare talks about our frustration surrounding Coronavirus restrictions. The grieving of a loss of normal is the first step in allowing ourselves to move forward.
Columban Fr. Frank Hoare talks about our frustration surrounding Coronavirus restrictions. The grieving of a loss of normal is the first step in allowing ourselves to move forward.
The sixth in the series of Columban Prayers for the World during this worldwide coronavirus pandemic, Columban Lay Missionary Ger and Faith in Action volunteer Orla offer a prayer "Holy Spirit Come" during this time of uncertainty.
The fifth in the series of Columban Prayers for the World during this coronavirus pandemic, Columban Lay Missionaries Vida, Catherine and Kevin, working in Hong Kong give words of hope and encouragement during these difficult times.
On the 15th March, a Sunday evening, the President of Peru declared a State of Emergency from the 16th, which meant none of us, except those with essential tasks to fulfill, can leave their homes until the 30th March. It was extended on Thursday 26th, for 13 days, and then on Wednesday 8th April the lockdown was further extended to the 26th April. The curfew now is from 6pm to 4am.
The third in the series of Columban Prayers for the World during this worldwide coronavirus pandemic, Columban Fr. John Boles, who has been working in Peru for more than 25 years, gives a special blessing while standing in front of a special needs school for poor families.
The fourth in the series of Columban Prayers for the World during this coronavirus pandemic, Columban Fr. Sean Conneely, working in Seoul, South Korea gives a blessing for all the nurses, doctors and volunteers caring for the sick during this pandemic.
The church has many things in her rich storehouse of traditions, and one of them is the practice of spiritual communion. There is no fixed formula. But for an idea of how to pray a spiritual communion prayer, let us turn to St. Alphonus Ligouri.
The second in the series of Columban Prayers for the World during this worldwide coronavirus pandemic, Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director, gives a message of hope.
The first in the series of Columban Prayers for the World during this worldwide coronavirus pandemic, three Columban Missionary priests from Britain give blessings in different languages to encourage us to stay safe and trust in Almighty God during these difficult and challenging times.
It is Holy Saturday here in Pakistan. It is very warm. In a few hours we will have the celebration of the beautiful Paschal Vigil Ceremony here in the little prayer room at the Joti Catechetical Centre in Mirpurkhas. Around 12 people will attend who will observe social distance. Little did I think that I would be sending Easter greetings from
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The Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.
We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984